A lot of people speak on change going into a New Year. The reality is the people that do the best would have already been starting to build their aspirational habits in December. In my young life I've been through a few very deliberate changes to serve different needs. Here are some of the tools I use to do that.
The Tier List:
I've used this recently to plan out the next 4 years and how I want to acquire different skills. First list the skills or goals you want to work on then column it out. Let's say you aim to get better at running, have a column for what your growth looks like if your being piss weak, another for intermediate amount of discipline and then the last for what you could achieve if you were running at your peak. This might look like 10km a week, 20km a week, 30km a week. You then have a very clear spectrum of what you expect from yourself and you know if by the end of the year you're still runnin 10km a week you've failed. I then follow this up with future calendar reminders, for example setting a reminder in September to see remind myself to be on track for 30km a week.
Before I had pinterest it was just in my head. Visualising the person I want to be in a years time then slowly analysing with each decision "would my future self do that?". Eventually you've transitioned into a new version of yourself with just that simple question but it does take having a very strong visual of who that person will be and how they differ to you at the moment. Moodboarding on pinterest, a journal or in your room can assist in creating that visual.
Google Calendar
An obvious one to anyone that uses it but pretty big game changer. I've been using it for a few years now, for the most part trying to fill up every minute of the day keeps me accountable. At different times I've used it to extremes but it's even great to find balance if needed, it allows u to move things around and find time to just chill if needed. In terms of utilising it for goals setting it can show when gaps in your time exist so you can best utilise it for growth.
Happy New Year to you all, very excited to share with you a lot of what I've been workin on for this year.
Cheers, Simon