Melbourne is the most Authentic Culture in the World

Prepare yourself for complete bias commentary.

When I was younger I travelled with family to meet our cousins overseas in Italy and America. Our origins are in different regions of Italy. My grandparents generation when faced with the war were split up. Some stayed in Italy while the rest of the cousins chose a boat to Australia or America.

What I observed about Europeans in American in general is that they had such a strong culture to buy into. While their cultural roots are still there they don't seem to hold tradition as well for they have a million other cultural options.

The European bloodlines they chose to stay seem to not value what they have in front of them as they are overexposed to it. Now looking at western cultures for influence and neglecting their rich history.

This definitely happens in Australia now too but that's why it works. What I think happens is because Australian culture is so young and untapped, the cultures that were brought here had nothing to assimilate to. The immigrant communities stuck together cherishing and carrying on their traditions as it was all they had. Traditions hold more endurance through generations when there is less to culturally be distracted by.

I believe here you can get the best of any cuisine because of that reason. It's not yet clear what it means to be an Australian or a Melbournian in this new age. At least I reckon it's being a culmination of authentically kept traditions, not a watered down version. (new york italians aren't italian their new yorkers)

Cheers, Simo

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