What effects the cost of a Garment?

Bulk Ordering:

The more units that is allocated to a style/garment in production the lower the cost of each will be overall. This shows in a lot of different ways, for example the most interesting pieces will often be the most expensive. A brand will mitigate risk by doing a small amount of an interesting design because it won't be something a mass of people will want to wear. Also a small company won't come close to ordering the units of a Nike, by that logic it's obvious that small brands can't have their prices as low as bigger companies or that the bigger companies profit margins are a lot more

Nature of Garment:

Pretty self explanatory by quite literally the bigger a garment the more it'll cost just due to requiring more fabric. Other aspects are how intricate the construction of a garment is, a blazer is a lot more complicated than a T-Shirt due to how detailed the collar is or adding a lining without any stitching showing from the outside. Again having something like a lining in a jacket can sometimes be up to another metre of added fabric costs.

Nature of Manufacturing:

Depending on the Country of manufacturing the price for seamstresses will vary. Australia has the highest minimum wage in the world which coincides with our cost of goods. We'll make more money in Australia but everything we buy will cost more due to that. Overseas it is different factory to factory, most companies produce in China. China has very cheap factories but they also have some of the best and most expensive ones as well. Overall the more the factory is trying to rip off their workers the less the cost will be though, this isn't exclusive to any country as a whole it is like I said on a factory to factory basis.

Colour/Pattern of Fabric:

There will mostly be your stock standard colours of fabric always available but when this isn't the case a brand may have to custom order it. This goes as well for any type of fabric design like stripes or plaids. The other option is Garment dyeing which allows you to apply colour post production. This similar to enzyme washes can give a nice vintage faded look to a piece, stuff like this is all added costs on top of production unless their is bulk amounts made

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